Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Finally, after about a year, literally, got to the Bryant Street/Forever Young/Raveloe knitting club thing at the Bryant Street Studio. Saw Jill, whom I've not seen since the spring (my fault; I would prefer not to leave the house). Anyway, one of my bags sold! Noteworthy only because I think about selling things all the time, but that would require actually making items that were not for me, and well, that doesn't happen.

So, if you see this little number on the streets of Buffalo, say Hi!

It's Big. And Round.

Cat for scale*.

This is the 100% homespun shawl that is trying to be finished by mid-September to be entered in the Buffalo Weavers' Guild Show. Thing. Was not thrilled with how it was going--a big block of the pinky-green section, in a lace pattern (what lace pattern?)*, followed by feather and fan, but the feather and fan was off, and too off to look like a "design flaw"--more like just looking bad. So off the needles, but presenting a fine photo opportunity. Ripped back. Quite a bit. Not sure if any lace pattern will be incorporated at this point. And think it will have to be schlepped to SF if it wants to be finished on time.

*No, not for sale. Scale! Although, for a price ...