Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It's Big. And Round.

Cat for scale*.

This is the 100% homespun shawl that is trying to be finished by mid-September to be entered in the Buffalo Weavers' Guild Show. Thing. Was not thrilled with how it was going--a big block of the pinky-green section, in a lace pattern (what lace pattern?)*, followed by feather and fan, but the feather and fan was off, and too off to look like a "design flaw"--more like just looking bad. So off the needles, but presenting a fine photo opportunity. Ripped back. Quite a bit. Not sure if any lace pattern will be incorporated at this point. And think it will have to be schlepped to SF if it wants to be finished on time.

*No, not for sale. Scale! Although, for a price ...


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